
Fall Session of Reproductive Loss Support Group, Bible Study Begins August 24

Fall Session of Reproductive Loss Support Group, Bible Study Begins August 24

El proceso de curación después de un aborto es diferente para cada persona. Ya sea que la decisión de abortar se haya tomado hace días, meses, años o incluso décadas, Vida Ofrece apoyo gratuito, confidencial y sin prejuicios y recursos para la curación y la esperanza.
Many women (and men) experience a range of emotions following an abortion, even many years later. There may be initial relief, happiness, or denial. There may be uncertainty, pain, or grief. There may a mix of all of those emotions and triggers depending upon the season of life.

Estos efectos y emociones físicos, psicológicos y emocionales pueden estar relacionados con la elección anterior de abortar. ¡Sepa que en Vida puede encontrar ayuda! Estamos aquí para escuchar, analizar las emociones y responder sus preguntas.

For those facing reproductive loss trauma through abortion, this includes one-on-one support; group support; and online studies, healing retreats, and referrals to community resources.

This year, the fall session of Forgiven and Set Free begins August 24, 2023. Forgiven and Set Free is a 12-week Bible study and support group that aids individuals in finding freedom from the pain of reproductive loss because of past abortion(s). Obtenga más información y regístrese aquí. The group is co-facilitated by two trained leaders who have experienced and traveled this journey too.

The healing journey looks different for each person, but Vida walks with women and couples to find healing, freedom, and hope following an abortion. Explore all of Vida’s post-abortion resources here.