Spring Session of Reproductive Loss Support Group, Bible Study Begins February 14

The healing journey following an abortion looks different for each individual. Whether an abortion choice was made days, months, years, or even decades ago, Vida offers free, confidential, and non-judgmental support and resources for healing and hope.  Many women (and men) experience a range of emotions following an abortion, even many years later. There may be […]

Is A Pap Smear Test Necessary?

A Pap smear is a test used to detect cervical cancer, and it’s a necessary part of maintaining your reproductive health. Learn more about how a Pap smear works and why you need one. If you’re looking for a Pap smear and a well-woman check-up, contact Vida Medical Clinic to schedule your free, confidential appointment. […]

How Often Should A Woman Have A Well-Woman Exam?

Vida Medical Clinic believes that every woman deserves quality health care from a knowledgeable and compassionate provider. It’s generally recommended for women to have a well-woman exam annually to monitor their health. Contact us to schedule your no-cost Well Woman Exam today.   What is a Well Woman Exam? At Vida Medical Clinic, a well-woman […]

Why Do I Need a Pelvic Exam?

A pelvic exam protects your health by screening for certain vaginal infections, STDs, and abnormalities of the cervix. A pelvic exam is just one part of a well-woman exam–a comprehensive exam that screens for cervical cancer and provides family planning education. Read on to learn more about what happens during a pelvic exam. Or, if you […]
