We are here to help answer your questions

For inquiries or questions, please call 920-731-4354 or complete the form below and a staff member will contact you.

How much do services cost?

All services at Vida are free! We do not bill or charge insurance companies for services. Contact us today to set up an appointment.

Where is Vida located?

Vida Support Services is located in Appleton (720 W. Association Dr. Appleton, WI 54914).

What are your hours of operation?

Vida Support Services is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

When can I start receiving services?

You can start receiving our services from the time of positive pregnancy test or immediately if you are already parenting a child under the age of 3.

Can the father of my baby or child come with me?

Yes. Dads, spouses, and support persons are welcome to come and learn along with you during your appointment times. We also offer male mentoring for interested dads and partners. Dads can also earn credit to use and shop in Little Dear Boutique, or earn gas cards.

Contact Form

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